Les codes

d’erreurs SMTP


Les codes d'erreur SMTP

Ces codes sont génés par le serveur SMTP lors du traitement des messages électroniques.
Vous pouvez trouver ses codes lors de réception de message d'erreur par exemple et cette liste vous permettra de comprendre purquoi votre message n'est pas arrivé au destinataire..

Code Description
Service non disponible, canal en fermeture (Domain service not available, closing transmission channel)
A password transition is needed.
Action non effectuée : boîte-aux-lettres non disponible [Ex., bloquée par un autre utilisateur] (Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable.)
Action arrêtée : erreur de traitement (Requested action aborted: local error in processing)
Action non effectuée : manque de ressources système (Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage)
TLS not available due to temporary reason.
Encryption required for requested authentication mechanism.
Unable to queue messages for node node.
Node node not allowed: reason.
Erreur de syntaxe, commande non reconnue (Command not recognized: command. Syntax error)
Erreur de syntaxe dans des paramètres ou arguments (Syntax error, no parameters allowed)
Commande non implémentée (Command not implemented)
Mauvaise séquence de commandes (Bad sequence of commands)
Paramètre de commande non implémenté (Command parameter not implemented)
Machine does not accept mail.
Must issue a STARTTLS command first.
Encryption required for requested authentication mechanism.
Authentication mechanism is too weak.
Encryption required for requested authentication mechanism.
Action non effectuée : boîte-aux-lettres non disponible, non trouvée, pas d'accès (Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable)
Utilisateur non local. essayer forwardpath (User not local; please try forwardpath)
Action arrêtée : manque de ressources de stockage (Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation)
Action non effectuée : nom de boîte-aux-lettres non autorisé (Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed)
Transaction échouée. (Transaction failed)

Les codes d'erreur ESMTP

Le protocole SMTP est limité dans les codes d'erreurs délivrés. Le protocole ESMTP est un système plus complet de gestion codes d'erreur. La syntaxe des codes est constituée de 3 chiffres qui sont respectivement : classe, subect et détail.

Avec :
  • classe = "2", "4" ou "5",
    • 2 signifie succès (Success) : l'opération s'est déroulée sans heurt.
    • 4 indique une erreur temporaire (Persistent Transient Failure) : Attendez un peu avant de renvoyer le message.
    • 5 signale une erreur permanente (Permanent Failure) : Si vous avez un autre moyen de contacter le destinataire......
  • subject = nombre de 0 à 9
  • detail = nombre de 0 à 9
Les deuxième (subject) et troisième (detail) parties donnent des indications supplémentaires
  • X.0.X Other or Undefined Status There is no additional subject information available. >X.0.0 Other undefined Status Other undefined status is the only undefined error code. It should be used for all errors for which only the class of the error is known.
  • X.1.X Addressing Status The address status reports on the originator or destination address. It may include address syntax or validity. These errors can generally be corrected by the sender and retried.
  • X.1.0 Other address status Something about the address specified in the message caused this DSN.
  • 5.1.1 Bad destination mailbox address L'adresse spécifiée n'existe pas : la partie de gauche de l'adresse e-mail (avant le @) est fausse.
  • X.1.2 Bad destination system address The destination system specified in the address does not exist or is incapable of accepting mail. For Internet mail names, this means the address portion to the right of the "@" is invalid for mail. This codes is only useful for permanent failures.
  • X.1.3 Bad destination mailbox address syntax The destination address was syntactically invalid. This can apply to any field in the address. This code is only useful for permanent failures.
  • X.1.4 Destination mailbox address ambiguous The mailbox address as specified matches one or more recipients on the destination system. This may result if a heuristic address mapping algorithm is used to map the specified address to a local mailbox name.
  • X.1.5 Destination address valid This mailbox address as specified was valid. This status code should be used for positive delivery reports.
  • X.1.6 Destination mailbox has moved, No forwarding address The mailbox address provided was at one time valid, but mail is no longer being accepted for that address. This code is only useful for permanent failures.
  • X.1.7 Bad sender's mailbox address syntax The sender's address was syntactically invalid. This can apply to any field in the address.
  • X.1.8 Bad sender's system address The sender's system specified in the address does not exist or is incapable of accepting return mail. For domain names, this means the address portion to the right of the "@" is invalid for mail.
  • X.2.X Mailbox Status Mailbox status indicates that something having to do with the mailbox has cause this DSN. Mailbox issues are assumed to be under the general control of the recipient.
  • X.2.0 Other or undefined mailbox status The mailbox exists, but something about the destination
    mailbox has caused the sending of this DSN.
  • X.2.1 Mailbox disabled, not accepting messages The mailbox exists, but is not accepting messages. This may be a permanent error if the mailbox will never be re-enabled or a transient error if the mailbox is only temporarily disabled.
  • 5.2.2 Boîte aux lettres saturée (Mailbox full) La boîte aux lettres du destinataire est saturée : son propriétaire a depassé le quota de courrier admis. Seule solution : attendre que votre correspondant vide sa boîte.
  • X.2.3 Message length exceeds administrative limit A per-mailbox administrative message length limit has been exceeded. This status code should be used when the per-mailbox message length limit is less than the general system limit. This code should be used as a permanent failure.
  • X.2.4 Mailing list expansion problem The mailbox is a mailing list address and the mailing list was unable to be expanded. This code may represent a permanent failure or a persistent transient failure.
  • X.3.X Mail System Status Mail system status indicates that something having to do with the destination system has caused this DSN. System issues are assumed to be under the general control of the destination system administrator.
  • X.3.0 Other or undefined mail system status The destination system exists and normally accepts mail, but something about the system has caused the generation of this DSN.
  • X.3.1 Mail system full Mail system storage has been exceeded. The general semantics imply that the individual recipient may not be able to delete material to make room for additional messages. This is useful only as a persistent transient error.
  • X.3.2 System not accepting network messages The host on which the mailbox is resident is not accepting messages. Examples of such conditions include an immanent shutdown, excessive load, or system maintenance. This is useful for both permanent and permanent transient errors.
  • X.3.3 System not capable of selected features Selected features specified for the message are not supported by the destination system. This can occur in gateways when features from one domain cannot be mapped onto the supported feature in another.
  • X.3.4 Message too big for system The message is larger than per-message size limit. This limit may either be for physical or administrative reasons. This is useful only as a permanent error.
  • X.3.5 System incorrectly configured The system is not configured in a manner which will permit it to accept this message.
  • X.4.X Network and Routing Status The networking or routing codes report status about the delivery system itself. These system components include any necessary infrastructure such as directory and routing services. Network issues are assumed to be under the control of the destination or intermediate system administrator.
  • X.4.0 Other or undefined network or routing status Something went wrong with the networking, but it is not clear what the problem is, or the problem cannot be well expressed with any of the other provided detail codes.
  • >X.4.1 No answer from host The outbound connection attempt was not answered, either because the remote system was busy, or otherwise unable to take a call. This is useful only as a persistent transient error.
  • X.4.2 Bad connection The outbound connection was established, but was otherwise unable to complete the message transaction, either because of time-out, or inadequate connection quality. This is useful only as a persistent transient error.
  • X.4.3 Directory server failure ou routing server failure (erreur de routage)
    Le message n’a pas été envoyé car le serveur n’a pas réussi à atteindre le serveur de messagerie de vos destinataires (indiqué dans l’adresse, après le @).
  • X.4.4 Unable to route The mail system was unable to determine the next hop for the message because the necessary routing information was unavailable from the directory server. This is useful for both permanent and persistent transient errors.
    A DNS lookup returning only an SOA (Start of Administration) record for a domain name is one example of the unable to route error.
  • 4.4.5 Mail system congestion The mail system was unable to deliver the message because the mail system was congested.
  • 4.4.6 Routing loop detected A routing loop caused the message to be forwarded too many times, either because of incorrect routing tables or a user forwarding loop.
  • 4.4.7 Delivery time expired Le délai d'acheminement de votre message a été jugé trop long. Votre message n'a donc pas été délivré. Cette erreur est temporaire : envoyez à nouveau votre message.
    The message was considered too old by the rejecting system, either because it remained on that host too long or because the time-to-live value specified by the sender of the message was exceeded. If possible, the code for the actual problem found when delivery was attempted should be returned rather than this code.
  • X.5.X Mail Delivery Protocol Status The mail delivery protocol status codes report failures involving the message delivery protocol. These failures include the full range of problems resulting from implementation errors or an unreliable connection. Mail delivery protocol issues may be controlled by many parties including the originating system, destination system, or intermediate system administrators.
  • X.5.0 Other or undefined protocol status Something was wrong with the protocol necessary to deliver the message to the next hop and the problem cannot be well expressed with any of the other provided detail codes.
  • 5.5.1 Invalid command (commande invalide) A mail transaction protocol command was issued which was either out of sequence or unsupported.
  • 5.5.2 Syntax error A mail transaction protocol command was issued which could not be interpreted, either because the syntax was wrong or the command is unrecognized.
  • X.5.3 Too many recipients More recipients were specified for the message than could have been delivered by the protocol. This error should normally result in the segmentation of the message into two, the remainder of the recipients to be delivered on a subsequent delivery attempt. It is included in this list in the event that such segmentation is not possible.
  • 5.5.4 Invalid command arguments A valid mail transaction protocol command was issued with invalid arguments, either because the arguments were out of range or represented unrecognized features.
  • X.5.5 Wrong protocol version A protocol version mis-match existed which could not be automatically resolved by the communicating parties.
  • X.6.X Message Content or Media Status The message content or media status codes report failures involving the content of the message. These codes report failures due to translation, transcoding, or otherwise unsupported message media. Message content or media issues are under the control of both the sender and the receiver, both of whom must support a common set of supported content-types.
  • X.6.0 Other or undefined media error Something about the content of a message caused it to be considered undeliverable and the problem cannot be well expressed with any of the other provided detail codes.
  • X.6.1 Media not supported The media of the message is not supported by either the delivery protocol or the next system in the forwarding path.
  • X.6.2 Conversion required and prohibited The content of the message must be converted before it can be delivered and such conversion is not permitted. Such prohibitions may be the expression of the sender in the message itself or the policy of the sending host.
  • X.6.3 Conversion required but not supported The message content must be converted to be forwarded but such conversion is not possible or is not practical by a host in the forwarding path. This condition may result when an ESMTP gateway supports 8bit transport but is not able to downgrade the message to 7 bit as required for the next hop.
  • X.6.4 Conversion with loss performed This is a warning sent to the sender when message delivery was successfully but when the delivery required a conversion in which some data was lost. This may also be a permanant error if the sender has indicated that conversion with loss is prohibited for the message.
  • X.6.5 Conversion Failed A conversion was required but was unsuccessful. This may be useful as a permanent or persistent temporary notification.
  • X.7.X Security or Policy Status The security or policy status codes report failures involving policies such as per-recipient or per-host filtering and cryptographic operations. Security and policy status issues are assumed to be under the control of either or both the sender and recipient. Both the sender and recipient must permit the exchange of messages and arrange the exchange of necessary keys and certificates for cryptographic operations.
  • X.7.0 Other or undefined security status Something related to security caused the message to be returned, and the problem cannot be well expressed with any of the other provided detail codes. This status code may also be used when the condition cannot be further described because of security policies in force.
  • X.7.1 Delivery not authorized, message refused The sender is not authorized to send to the destination. This can be the result of per-host or per-recipient filtering. This memo does not discuss the merits of any such filtering, but provides a mechanism to report such.
  • X.7.2 Mailing list expansion prohibited The sender is not authorized to send a message to the intended mailing list.
  • X.7.3 Security conversion required but not possible A conversion from one secure messaging protocol to another was required for delivery and such conversion was not possible. This is useful only as a permanent error.
  • X.7.4 Security features not supported A message contained security features such as secure authentication which could not be supported on the delivery protocol. This is useful only as a permanent error.
  • X.7.5 Cryptographic failure A transport system otherwise authorized to validate or decrypt a message in transport was unable to do so because necessary information such as key was not available or such information was invalid.
  • X.7.6 Cryptographic algorithm not supported A transport system otherwise authorized to validate or decrypt a message was unable to do so because the necessary algorithm was not supported.
  • X.7.7 Message integrity failure Votre message n'a pu être validé parce qu'il a été corrompu ou alteré en cours de route.
    A transport system otherwise authorized to validate a message was unable to do so because the message was corrupted or altered.


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